CCA Texas Advocacy Director Shane Bonnot and CCA Texas Assistant Director Drew Adams visited the ARTF on Wednesday, November 14. ARTF faculty and staff had the opportunity to visit with CCA Texas representatives and share the latest in TAMU research in fisheries and aquaculture. Much common ground was found in the missions of the two agencies and a good time was had by all. You can hear more of the conversation on CCA’s podcast here:
Dr. Todd Sink introduces CCA Texas Advocacy Director Shane Bonnot and CCA Texas Assistant Director Drew Adams to his Cobia marine brood fish at feeding time.
To see more about what the Aquacultural Research and Teaching Facility entails, head over to the ARTF Facility‘s page. For information on how to Give to the Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences Department to support research and opportunities, visit the Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences’ Giving page.