Aquaculture has been the fastest growing segment of agriculture over the last 20 years. Today aquaculture produces over 50% of the world’s finfish and is expected to surpass worldwide beef production by 2010. Much of the growth in aquaculture has been in “developing” countries with slower growth seen in developed countries. Incredibly, eighty percent of U.S. seafood is imported. Aquaculturists in Texas produce shrimp, catfish, hybrid striped bass, red drum, tilapia, and crawfish, as well as many gamefish, bait, and ornamental species. Texas leads U.S. aquaculture production of shrimp, hybrid striped bass, and red drum. For additional information on aquaculture see to the following web sites.
- Southern Regional Aquaculture Center (SRAC) : You can get all kinds of information on pond managment, fish, and Cage Culture. Publications are available for download.
- The World Aquaculture Society (WAS) : Communication facilitator to exchange information exchange on high priority topics and emerging issues within the aquaculture community.
- United States Aquaculture Society (USAS) : provides information on aquatic issues within the United States. The mission of the USAS is to provide a national forum for the exchange of timely information among aquaculture researchers, students, and industry members in the United States.
- Texas Aquaculture Association (TAA) : Has information on commercial production of shrimp, redfish, tilapia, channel catfish, hybrid striped bass, bait fish production of stocker fish, production of ornamental fish, and pond and lake management. The role of the association is to provide for an industry-wide exchange of information and to act as a voice of the industry in dealing with federal and state regulatory agencies.