Liz Tidwell is a Wildlife Program Specialist with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. Originally from Pennsylvania, she has a B.S. from the University of Wyoming and a M.S. from Sul Ross State University, where she studied Montezuma quail in New Mexico. As a Program Specialist, she creates programs to help small acreage landowners manage the resources on their property. While Liz loves birds, she harbors a deep love for javelina aka “potatoes” and will squeal like a little girl whenever she sees one!If I could be a bird: Eastern screech owl
Emily Grant is a 4-H County Extension Agent in Gillespie County with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. Originally from Springtown, Texas she graduated from Texas A&M University. Emily has dedicated her career to education, first as an agriculture science teacher and now as a county agent who has a passion for the sheep and goat industry. As a county agent, she leads youth education programs about agriculture and natural resources. Given the choice, Emily prefers looking at sheep and goats over birds; however, she learned that she is a good spotter and has grown to enjoy going out with our birders and learning!If I could be a bird: Flamingo