Writer: Paul Schattenberg, 210-859-5752, paschattenberg@ag.tamu.edu
Contact: Sam Womble, 210-631-0400, sam.womble@ag.tamu.edu
SAN ANTONIO – The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas will present a series of urban wildlife education programs with water resources as its main focus.

Wildlife and water will be the focus of the Urban Wildlife Series from June to August in San Antonio. (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service photo)
The Urban Wildlife Series runs from June 14 to Aug. 14 in San Antonio.
“The Bexar County Ag and Natural Resources Committee is sponsoring this program,” said Sam Womble, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agriculture and natural resources agent, Bexar County. “Last year, we had a very successful series of wildlife educational programs targeting urban residents. This year, we are expanding on that effort by collaborating with the San Antonio River Authority, or SARA, and Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute.”
Womble said series programs will be from 10 a.m. to noon. Program dates, topics, locations and presenters will be:
— June 14, Why Conservation Matters for People and Wildlife and San Antonio River Authority and the Clean River Program, AgriLife Extension office for Bexar County, Conroy Square business complex, 3355 Cherry Ridge Drive, Suite 208. This program will be presented by Dr. Maureen Frank, AgriLife Extension wildlife specialist, Uvalde; and Amanda Nasto, environmental investigations coordinator, and Shawn Donovan, senior aquatic biologist, both from San Antonio River Authority.
— June 28, Water and Wildlife of Texas, AgriLife Extension office, Bexar County. This program will be presented by Frank, along with Jessica Alderson, urban biologist, Texas Parks and Wildlife, San Antonio.
— July 10, Stormwater Management for Wildlife and Water Quality; Ponds, Birdbaths and Wildlife, Urban Ecology Center at Phil Hardberger Park, 8400 N.W. Military Drive. This program will be presented by Frank, along with Lee Marlowe, sustainable landscape ecologist, SARA.
— July 31, Native Plants and Water Conservation, Urban Ecology Center, Phil Hardberger Park. This program will be presented by Forrest Cobb, research assistant, and Amy Carroll, senior programmer, both with the Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute, San Antonio.
— Aug. 14, Field trip (TBD). This program will be presented by Frank, along with Matt Reidy, wildlife biologist, Texas Parks and Wildlife, Devine.
The cost is $10 per program or $25 for the series, payable at the door. The deadline for registration is June 8. To reserve a spot, contact Denise Perez at 210-631-0400 or dsperez@ag.tamu.edu.
Make checks payable to Bexar Ag and Natural Resources Committee and mail to: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, 3355 Cherry Ridge Drive, Suite 212, San Antonio, Texas, 78230.