Registration cost will benefit young birders at Rio Diablo Birding Camp
A Virtual Birding Seminar, hosted by Texas Ornithological Society and the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, will be presented from 6-8 p.m. Dec. 15.

The program will be on the Zoom platform, which is best viewed from a computer or tablet. There will also be a call-in number for participants who cannot access Zoom and want to listen in. Online registration is required to get the Zoom link or for call-in participation.
The program is focused on birds and birding in South Texas but anyone with an interest in the topic is welcome to participate.
The cost is $25 for Zoom or call-in. The entire registration cost will go to the Rio Diablo Birding Camp, a new youth program launching in 2021.
Online seminar presenters are current students who will share information from continuing or completed research, said Maureen Frank, Ph.D., an AgriLife Extension wildlife specialist in the Department of Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management based in Uvalde. Presenters will be Madeleine Thornley of Texas A&M University, Marky Mutchler of Louisiana State University and Liam Wolff of Stephen F. Austin State University.
“Everything presented in the seminar will be new, cutting-edge information on birds,” Frank said. “The species discussed will be the white-tailed kite, Bell’s vireo and Bachmann’s sparrow.”
Frank said the Birding with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service initiative of Texas A&M AgriLife is introducing the new Rio Diablo Birding Camp for youth 14-18 years old in the summer of 2021.
“We will travel throughout southwest Texas to bird as well as provide camp participants with educational information related to Texas history, ecology and culture,” she said. “AgriLife Extension and the Texas Ornithological Society are committed to keeping the cost of registration below $1,000 for this week-long camp.”
Frank said the seminar will raise funds that will help lower the cost of the camp so more may attend.
The post “South Texas Virtual Birding Seminar set for Dec. 15” first appeared on AgriLife Today.